
112 502

Dig­i­tal Pro­jec­tion 112 – 502M Lens 2.11 – 4.14:1

Manufacturer: Dig­i­tal Projection

Model Number: 112 – 502M Lens

$ 200.00 / day
Video Projectors and Lenses

Dig­i­tal Pro­jec­tion 112 – 502M Lens 2.11 – 4.14:1 for use with E-Vision pro­jec­tors. This M” ver­sion of the lens cov­ers the same range as the 112 – 502 Lens but adds some addi­tion­al range on each end of the lens in addi­tion to adding a mem­o­ry func­tion that allows you to save lens zoom/​focus info to the pro­jec­tor for easy recall.