
Apex Stages 3224 Gallery 2 Resized

Apex 3224 Mobile Stage

Manufacturer: Apex Stages

Model Number: 3224

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Staging Mobile Stages

APEX 3224 Mobile Stage

The APEX 3224 is tru­ly ver­sa­tile. This mobile stage fea­tures a goose­neck tongue that can cou­ple to a stan­dard ball hitch or King­pin hitch. The trim height between the floor deck and
bot­tom of the roof I-beam is just under 16′, and either side of the stage can be the front. Sim­ply place the taller cor­ner tow­ers on the front side, thus allow­ing for water drainage away from the front of the stage. Lots of option­al extras make this portable stage a real­ly appeal­ing option for medi­um-capac­i­ty events.

Addi­tion­al Details

  • Dimen­sions: 32’ x 24
  • Load capac­i­ty (roof): 13,500 lbs
  • Load capac­i­ty (fly bays): 2,000 lbs each

Click here for the spec­i­fi­ca­tion sheet.