

d&b C7 2-Way Loudspeaker

Manufacturer: d&b audiotech­nik

Model Number: Z2257 — C7

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Audio Main Speakers

The C7-TOP is a 2-way horn loaded loud­speak­er that exhibits true con­stant direc­tiv­i­ty above a fre­quen­cy of 600 Hz, ensur­ing equal sound with­in the cov­er­age area. The bass-reflex design of the low end allows the C7-TOP to be used with­out a sub­woofer, and with its medi­um to high sound pres­sure lev­els and extend­ed direc­tiv­i­ty it is ide­al for bal­cony or sta­di­um sound rein­force­ment, delay and back­ground music play­back. Where a more pow­er­ful PA sys­tem is required a C7-TOP can be stacked with two C7-SUBs. The C7-TOP cab­i­net is con­struct­ed from marine ply­wood, has an impact resis­tant paint fin­ish, steel han­dles and MAN CF4 stud plate rig­ging points. The front of the loud­speak­er cab­i­net is fit­ted with catch­es at the top and bot­tom for secur­ing an option­al wood­en lid, and mount­ed on the rear pan­el are ratch­et strap guide plates, two hinge plates and four heavy duty wheels.

Sys­tem data:

Fre­quen­cy response (-5 dB)68 Hz — 18 kHz
Cab­i­nets per chan­nel D20/D80 2
Max. sound pres­sure (1m, free field)1 with D20/D80 138 dB SPL

Loud­speak­er data:

Pow­er han­dling capac­i­ty (RMS/​peak 10 ms)200/800 W
Nom­i­nal dis­per­sion angle (h x v)75° x 40° CD2
Com­po­nents 15″ driver/1.5″ com­pres­sion driver

Dimen­sions / Weight:

Dimen­sions (H x W x D)580580620 mm3 / 22.822.824.43
Weight52 kg / 115 lb