

d&b Q1 2-Way Line Array Loudspeaker

Manufacturer: d&b audiotech­nik

Model Number: Z0501 — Q1

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The Q1 is a pas­sive 2-way loud­speak­er hous­ing two 10LF dri­vers posi­tioned in a dipo­lar arrange­ment and a 1.3HF com­pres­sion dri­ver fit­ted to a toroidal wave­shap­ing device. The 75° con­stant direc­tiv­i­ty hor­i­zon­tal dis­per­sion pat­tern is main­tained down to 400 Hz, while the ver­ti­cal HF dis­per­sion of 15° allows the Q1 to be used to con­struct ver­ti­cal columns that pro­duce a curved coher­ent wave­front. The mechan­i­cal and acousti­cal design of the cab­i­net enables ver­ti­cal splay angles to be set between 0° and 14°. Q1 cab­i­nets can there­fore be used in ver­ti­cal con­fig­u­ra­tions start­ing from two cab­i­nets with a 15° to 30° dis­per­sion, up to 20 cab­i­nets with a ful­ly user and venue defined ver­ti­cal pro­file. The Q1 cab­i­net is con­struct­ed from marine ply­wood, incor­po­rates a pair of han­dles and has an impact resis­tant paint fin­ish. The front of the loud­speak­er is pro­tect­ed by a rigid met­al grill cov­ered with replace­able acousti­cal­ly trans­par­ent foam, and two NL4 con­nec­tors wired in par­al­lel are mount­ed on the rear panel.

Sys­tem data

Fre­quen­cy response: (-5 dB)60/1001 Hz — 17 kHz
Cab­i­nets per chan­nel: D20/D80 2
Max. sound pres­sure: D20/D80 139 dB SPL

Loud­speak­er data

Pow­er han­dling capac­i­ty: (RMS/​peak 10 ms)400/1600 W
Nom­i­nal dis­per­sion angle: (h x v)75° x 15°
Com­po­nents: 2 x 10″ driver/1.3″ com­pres­sion driver

Dimen­sions / weight

Dimen­sions: (H x W x D)308580410 mm/12.122.816.1
Weight: 22 kg/​49 lb