
Dante My16 Aud

Dante-MY16-AUD Card for Yamaha

Manufacturer: Yama­ha / Audinate

Model Number: Dante-MY16-AUD

$ 50.00 / day
Audio Audio Consoles

Yama­ha Mini-YGDAI Card Sup­port for Plug-and-play Dante Dig­i­tal Audio Net­work­ing Dante-MY16-AUD

  • 24bit res­o­lu­tion, 16-in/16-out Dante inter­face (8-in/8-out at 96kHz) 
  • 2x RJ-45 con­nec­tors for Dante I/O, 1x D-sub 9 pin con­nec­tor for RS232-C 
  • Laten­cy can be select­ed from four pre­set val­ues: 0.15 ms, 0.5 ms, 1.0 ms, or 5.0 ms 
  • More than 16 audio chan­nels can be trans­ferred when used with a stan­dard net­work switch 
  • Auto­mat­ic dis­cov­ery and set­up for net­work devices. Devices names can be spec­i­fied as required