
Digico Quantum338

DiGi­Co Quan­tum 338 — HMA Optics, MADI — Q338

Manufacturer: DiGi­Co

Model Number: X-Q338-W-WS-OP

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Audio Audio Consoles

*This con­sole includes the inter­nal Waves card but an exter­nal Waves Sound­Grid serv­er is required to use Waves plu­g­ins (please see our rental inven­to­ry for Sound­Grid serv­er options).

*Con­sole rental includes fac­to­ry road case and Pla­nar touch­screen mon­i­tor w/​artic­u­lat­ing arm.

Quan­tum 338: Leap ahead

Rep­re­sent­ing a dra­mat­ic leap for­ward in pow­er and con­nec­tiv­i­ty with­in a remark­ably com­pact for­mat, Quan­tum 338 fol­lows the Quan­tum 7 in defin­ing the future of audio mixing.

Boast­ing a wealth of new design fea­tures and enhance­ments to cre­ate ulti­mate flex­i­bil­i­ty of use plus the speed of oper­a­tion that only Quan­tum can deliv­er, Quan­tum 338 is based on sev­enth gen­er­a­tion FPGAs with an entire­ly new sys­tem archi­tec­ture. The con­sole merges tried and test­ed work­flows with immense pro­cess­ing mus­cle and bold inno­va­tion includ­ing a strik­ing new dark mode.

Under The Hood – Ulti­mate Stadius!

Quan­tum 338 puts a trio of 17-inch, 1000 nit, high bright­ness mul­ti­touch screens at your dis­pos­al, with both the meter bridge and soft quick select but­tons dis­played on each screen for quick, intu­itive oper­a­tion. In addi­tion, 70 indi­vid­ual TFT chan­nel dis­plays join the float­ing Quan­tum chas­sis with 38 100mm touch sen­si­tive faders laid out in three blocks of 12 fad­er banks plus two ded­i­cat­ed user-assign­a­ble faders, each with high res­o­lu­tion metering.

Supe­ri­or local audio con­nec­tiv­i­ty and per­for­mance comes cour­tesy of new Ulti­mate Sta­dius” 32-bit ADC and DAC con­ver­sion, which is built into the Quan­tum 338 as stan­dard along­side six sin­gle or three redun­dant MADI con­nec­tions, dual DMI slots and a built-in UB MADI USB record­ing interface.

Also includ­ed as stan­dard are Mus­tard Pro­cess­ing chan­nel strips, Spice Rack plu­g­in style native FPGA pro­cess­ing options, Nodal Pro­cess­ing and True Solo.


With a max­i­mum of 128 input chan­nels with 64 busses and a 2424 matrix, all with full chan­nel pro­cess­ing, Quan­tum 338 takes built-in con­sole I/O to new lev­els of performance.

The console’s 8 local mic/​line inputs and eight local line out­puts all fea­ture 32-bit Ulti­mate Sta­dius” con­vert­ers, while users have access to 4 stereo AES/EBU in/​out, triple redun­dant MADI in/​out (which can also be con­fig­ured as 6 MADI I/O at 48kHz), dual DMI card slots, sup­port for dual sec­ond gen­er­a­tion Opto­core loops, a built-in UB MADI USB inter­face and more. Waves con­nec­tiv­i­ty can also be added with a Sound­Grid Inter­face card, adding up to an addi­tion­al 64 I/O.