
Digigrid Mgb Slider Transbg

DiGi­Grid MGB Coax­i­al MADI Interface

Manufacturer: DiGi­Grid

Model Number: MGB

$ 200.00 / day
Audio Audio Consoles Audio Playback and Recording

DiGi­Grid MGB Coax­i­al MADI Interface

Includes: (4) 16ft 75ohm BNC Sin­gle Cable, (1) 7ft Cat-5 Eth­er­net Cable and Pow­er Sup­ply in Case

DiGi­Grid MGB:

Plug the MGB straight into your com­put­er to record up to 128 chan­nels with simul­ta­ne­ous play­back of 128 chan­nels. Add a Sound­Grid DSP serv­er and DiGi­Grid SWI net­work switch plus Waves Mul­tiRack Sound­Grid host appli­ca­tion, and your MADI-com­pat­i­ble live or broad­cast con­sole now has real-time low-laten­cy pro­cess­ing capa­bil­i­ties. And if you require a high­er lev­el of audio qual­i­ty, a sim­ple con­fig­u­ra­tion change switch­es the MGB to 96kHz, for 64 chan­nels of record­ing and 64 chan­nels of simul­ta­ne­ous playback.


  • MADI Coax­i­al I/O (BNC)
  • Sup­port­ed sam­ple rates: 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96 kHz
  • 112128 chan­nel I/O @ 48kHz
  • 5664 chan­nel I/O @ 96kHz
  • 56 and 64 chan­nel mode support
  • Sup­ports dou­ble wire (48k frame) and sin­gle wire (96k frame) @ 96kHz
  • Clock Syn­chro­niza­tion via Word Clock input, MADI (Port 1 or 2), Sound­Grid (Sync over Eth­er­net), Internal
  • 1 Sound­Grid RJ45 Eth­er­net port
  • Reset switch