
Protron 3K Color

Ela­tion Pro­tron 3K Col­or LED Strobe

Manufacturer: Ela­tion

Model Number: PRO901

$ 100.00 / day
Lighting LED Lighting Instruments Specialty Lighting - Strobes, Blinders, UV, DJ, Etc.

Ela­tion Pro­tron 3K Col­or LED Strobe

The Pro­tron 3K Col­or™ is a new high pow­ered LED strobe fea­tur­ing (240) CREE™ XLamp™ 3W RGBW LEDs, 40,000 total peak lumens, 63° beam angle, (2) pow­er modes (HIGH or LOW), strobe effect macros includ­ing burst, pulse, light­ning, and full ON*, (2) silent cool­ing fans, elec­tron­ic dim­ming, 3/​5pin DMX and Lock­ing Pow­er Cable in/​out con­nec­tions, (4) but­ton OLED con­trol menu dis­play, an inte­grat­ed rig­gingyoke, 800W max pow­er con­sump­tion, and a mul­ti-volt­age uni­ver­sal auto switch­ing pow­er sup­ply (100 – 240v).