
Eos 8000

ETC Eos 8000 Light­ing Console

Manufacturer: ETC

Model Number: Eos 8000

$ 350.00 / day
Lighting Lighting Consoles

4-port Net2 Gate­way includ­ed with rental.

Com­plete con­trol of con­ven­tion­al and mov­ing lights, LEDs and media servers. Sup­ports mul­ti­ple users with par­ti­tioned para­me­ter con­trol and full back­up, mul­ti­ple play­back faders and cue lists in a track­ing, move fade envi­ron­ment, with unique tac­tile response direct selects and encoders.


8192 outputs/​parameters
10,000 con­trol chan­nels
99 Dis­crete Users
• Par­ti­tioned Con­trol
• Mas­ter play­back pair with motor­ized 100mm faders
• Ten 100mm motor­ized faders x 100 pages for con­fig­urable faders, sub­mas­ters, mas­ters and grand­mas­ter con­trol
2 full size LCD touch­screens for dis­play, direct selec­tion and con­text sen­si­tive con­trol
LCD direct selects with tac­tile response
• Four dis­crete palette types (IFCB)
• Pre­sets func­tion as all palette”
• Effects pro­vide dynam­ic rela­tion­al and absolute pro­gres­sive behav­ior
• Cen­tral infor­ma­tion area (CIA) access­es elec­tron­ic alpha key­board, Hue + Sat­u­ra­tion col­or pick­er, gel pick­er, brows­er and oth­er con­trols
1 con­text sen­si­tive LCD touch­screen with six asso­ci­at­ed force-feed­back encoders for non-inten­si­ty para­me­ter con­trol
• Con­fig­urable high-den­si­ty chan­nel dis­play, with for­mat and flexi-chan­nel modes
• User con­fig­urable topo­graph­i­cal chan­nel views
• List views of all record tar­gets
• ETCNet2™ and Net3™ (pow­ered by ACN) net­work out­put pro­to­cols
• Show import from Obses­sion®, Express™, Expres­sion®, Empha­sis®, Con­go® and Strand 500300 Series via ASCII
• Mul­ti­ple MIDI and/​or SMPTE Time Code Inputs, MIDI Through and Out­put, Analog/​Serial Inputs
• Vir­tu­al Media Serv­er func­tion for pix mapped effects, images and animations