

Midas DL251 48 Input, 16 Out­put Stage Box

Manufacturer: Midas

Model Number: DL251

$ 100.00 / day
Audio Audio Consoles Snakes and Transport

DL251 is a 5U 19″ fixed-con­fig­u­ra­tion rack I/O unit with 48 mic/​line lev­el inputs and 16 line lev­el out­puts and deliv­ers leg­endary Midas sound qual­i­ty util­is­ing our time-test­ed and road-proven tech­nolo­gies. Fea­tur­ing award-win­ning Midas micro­phone pre­am­pli­fiers with 2.5 dB ana­logue gain steps and three AES50 net­work ports pro­vid­ing N+1 redun­dan­cy, plus an Eth­er­net con­trol port and a MIDI Inter­face (In, Out, Thru), the DL251 is the ide­al part­ner to the Midas M Series and PRO Series dig­i­tal con­soles, enabling a dig­i­tal snake con­nec­tion from Front of House to stage.