
Mahogony Lectern

Mod­ern Mahogany Floor Lectern

Manufacturer: Dis­plays 2 Go

Model Number: Mohagony Lectern

$ 100.00 / day
Staging Podiums and Lecterns

Mod­ern Mahogany Floor Lectern — This mahogany lectern, also called a podi­um dis­play, has a read­ing sur­face stand­ing 39″ off the ground. The read­ing sur­face has (3) sides walls to pre­vent the audi­ence from see­ing pre­sen­ta­tion notes. This lectern dis­play that has a flat read­ing plat­form allows the pre­sen­ter to free up their hands. Each podi­um read­ing shelf is 21 – 3/4“w x 18 – 1/2“d. This lectern that has (4) rub­ber feet will remain sta­ble on slight­ly uneven floors. The podi­um has a 23 – 1/4“w x 19“d base, which pro­vides more sta­bil­i­ty, while tak­ing up min­i­mal space on a stage.