
Punch Plus

AAdyn­tech Punch Plus LED Kit — Daylight

Manufacturer: AAdyn­tech

Model Number: PCH-RDM-002

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Grip Equipment and Film Lighting Film Lighting Lighting LED Lighting Instruments

AAdyn­tech Punch Plus LED Kit — 2.5K HMI Equiv­a­lent w/​Barn­doors, Lens Kit and Col­or Cor­rec­tion Filters

The AAdyn­Tech Punch Plus is the most pow­er­ful day­light-bal­anced white light pro­fes­sion­al LED fix­ture avail­able today. Flick­er free up to
12,000 fps, the fix­ture deliv­ers an incred­i­ble out­put of 4,044 fc @ 10 feet, com­pa­ra­ble to a 2,500 watt HMI, while con­sum­ing less than 5 amps of pow­er. The Punch Plus is self-con­tained with a uni­ver­sal pow­er sup­plyand, unlike tra­di­tion­al HMI’s, the need for heavy and expen­sive head cables, bal­lasts or spare lamps is elim­i­nat­ed, dra­mat­i­cal­ly reduc­ing trans­port weight.

Crew and tal­ent safe­ty is always a con­cern and the Punch Plus gen­er­ates min­i­mal heat and can be held with bare hands and harm­ful UV or IR emis­sions are vir­tu­al­ly elim­i­nat­ed. Instant ON’ ensures no warm-up wait time on set. The Punch Plus Day­light comes with a built-in Wire­less DMX/RDM Receiv­er. This mod­el may be oper­at­ed in either wired or wire­less con­fig­u­ra­tion fur­ther expand­ing its ver­sa­til­i­ty. Spe­cial­ly designed holo­graph­ic lens­es pro­vide opti­cal effi­cien­cy by cre­at­ing a sin­gle light source, effec­tive­ly elim­i­nat­ing mul­ti­ple shad­ows.

These quick change lens­es are includ­ed to adjust the beam angle for nar­row, medi­um or flood while main­tain­ing a flat, even field. A heavy-duty yoke is provided.

AAdyn­Tech Punch Plus Features

  • Brighter than a 2500 watt HMI
  • 4044 foot can­dle out­put at 10 feet
  • 5600K CCT
  • Draws only 4.8 amps at full output
  • Auto range volt­age — 100277 VAC — 50/​60Hz
  • Up to 90% ener­gy savings
  • Pre­cise bright­ness con­trol w/​vari­able dim­ming curve
  • Sin­gle light source elim­i­nates mul­ti­ple shadows
  • Flick­er-free up to 12,000 fps
  • No heat gen­er­a­tion — oper­ates cool to the touch
  • Douse but­ton (momen­tary off)
  • Includ­ed: hard gel fil­ters, 14 CTO & 14 MG
  • Includ­ed 5deg., 15deg., 30deg., 55deg. lens­es to vary beam angle
  • No head cables, bal­last or spare lamps
  • Built-in dig­i­tal User Inter­face Mod­ule (UIM) control
  • Recal­i­bra­tion count­down hour smart’ meter
  • Wire­less or wired DMX In/​Out or dig­i­tal remote
  • Pow­er­Con AC Cable
  • Pro­gram­ma­ble mul­ti­ple light­ning and strobe effects
  • Mul­ti­ple user mem­o­ry stor­age with recall
  • 2 year war­ran­ty on fixture
  • Oper­at­ing tem­per­a­ture at -20c to +50c
  • Cer­ti­fied UL, ETL, CSA, CE & Rosh compliant
  • USA & Inter­na­tion­al Patent Pending