
Fantom X8

Roland Fan­tom-X8 Work­sta­tion Keyboard

Manufacturer: Roland

Model Number: Fan­tom-X8

$ 225.00 / day
Backline Keyboards

The Fan­tom-X Series is the flag­ship of the Roland work­sta­tion fam­i­ly, offer­ing musi­cians near­ly 1GB of wave mem­o­ry when ful­ly expand­ed, and 128-voice per­for­mance. At the top of the vast sound­set is Roland’s finest 88-key split stereo-sam­pled piano, with each note indi­vid­u­al­ly sam­pled at mul­ti­ple veloc­i­ties. In addi­tion, the Fan­tom-X pro­vides room for four SRX expan­sion boards, so users can cus­tomize their sound­sets to their spe­cif­ic needs and styl­is­tic preferences.

The Fan­tom-X Series is the first line of work­sta­tion key­boards with a col­or LCD screen. Com­bined with an invit­ing icon-dri­ven user inter­face, the Fan­tom-X has been glob­al­ly her­ald­ed as the most pow­er­ful-yet-friend­ly work­sta­tion on the market.