

Shure AD610 ShowLink Access Point

Manufacturer: Shure

Model Number: AD610

$ 50.00 / day
Audio Wireless Microphones

Shure AD610 ShowLink Access Point:

The AD610 ShowLink® access point enables real-time remote con­trol of all ShowLink-enabled Axient® trans­mit­ters, includ­ing both ADX and AXT series mod­els. The access point allows com­pre­hen­sive man­age­ment of trans­mit­ter para­me­ters from the receiv­er or Wire­less Work­bench® using 2.4 GHz (IEEE 802.15.4) wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion. All para­me­ter changes occur with­out inter­rup­tion to the performer.

Mul­ti­ple access points can extend the oper­a­tional range or increase the num­ber of trans­mit­ters sup­port­ed on the ShowLink net­work. The access point fea­tures true diver­si­ty anten­na inputs along with mount­ing points for ¼”-20 and M61.0 thread.