
Prod Strike Array 2 Right

STRIKE Array 2 LED Blind­er — IP Rated

Manufacturer: Chau­vet

Model Number: STRIKEARRAY2

$ 50.00 / day
Lighting LED Lighting Instruments IP Rated Fixtures Specialty Lighting - Strobes, Blinders, UV, DJ, Etc.

STRIKE Array 2

STRIKE Array 2 is an out­door-ready audi­ence blind­er pow­ered by two intense warm white LEDs housed in inde­pen­dent­ly focus­able pods. An emu­lat­ed amber shift” warms the col­or tem­per­a­ture of the light as it dims to deliv­er a clas­sic tung­sten look. Its vari­able PWM and high CRI make it ide­al for broad­cast appli­ca­tions. Thanks to a cus­tom
inter­lock­ing sys­tem CHAU­VET Pro­fes­sion­al has devel­oped, STRIKE Array 2 can be inter­con­nect­ed with mul­ti­ple Array units for scal­able design con­fig­u­ra­tions with­out any tools. Omega-Brack­et locks are also installed both on the yoke and the back of the IP65 blind­er to give you a stream­lined truss mount­ing process.