
Tyler Gt Plus

Tyler Truss GT Plus — Green Truss — 10′, 8′ and 5′ — Index­able Available

Manufacturer: Tyler Truss

Model Number: Green Truss GT Plus

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Rigging Truss

We stock stan­dard and index­able GT Plus Truss. Please spec­i­fy if index­able is required.

Tyler Green Truss (GT ®) is designed with you in mind. Long an indus­try stan­dard for tour­ing truss, Tyler GT Plus has expand­ed to become a proven favorite for all cor­po­rate and enter­tain­ment events. This truss pro­file allows light­ing fix­tures to be pre-rigged before arriv­ing to the event venue, thus elim­i­nat­ing their bulky cas­es and sav­ing truck space. With tens of thou­sands of sticks sold, this truss has been around the world keep­ing both your fix­tures and your bud­gets safe and sound.


  • Stan­dard lengths are 10’, 8’, and 5’, with addi­tion­al lengths avail­able upon request.
  • Reduces load-in / load-out time and fuel consumption.
  • Redesigned leg sleeves and lock­ing leg col­lars allow for smoother oper­a­tion as well as effi­cient install and removal.
  • Includes stan­dard hard­ware connection.
  • Fab­ri­cat­ed with 6005A-T6 alu­minum sourced and pro­duced in the U.S.A.
  • Keeps longer-last­ing sleek appear­ance than stan­dard off the shelf aluminum.
  • Fab­ri­cat­ed in the U.S.A. by AWS D1.2 cer­ti­fied welders.
  • Fin­ish: Pow­der Coat Black.