
Yamaha Pm5D Rh

Yama­ha PM5D-RH Dig­i­tal Console

Manufacturer: Yama­ha

Model Number: PM5D-RH

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Audio Audio Consoles

The PM5D-RH V2 includes 48 XLR ana­log mono inputs with recallable mic pre­amps with 4 stereo inputs that will accept mic lev­el signals.

  • Head-amp recall capa­bil­i­ty that allows head amp gain set­tings to be recalled along with the oth­er con­sole scene data.
  • 48 mono and 4 stereo inputs, 24 mix bus­es and 2 stereo out­puts, and 8 matrix outputs.
  • Cus­tom DSP7LSI for ultra-high-speed 96-kHz/32-bit processing. 
  • I/O capac­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty can be dou­bled or tripled by adding one or two rack-mount­able DSP5D Dig­i­tal Mix­ing Systems.
  • Easy vir­tu­al sound­check” with indi­vid­u­al­ly assign­a­ble chan­nels does not require com­plex re-patching.
  • Built-in VCM (Vir­tu­al Cir­cuit Mod­el­ing) effects offer impec­ca­ble sim­u­la­tions of clas­sic sig­nal pro­cess­ing gear.
  • 8 high-per­for­mance mul­ti-effect proces­sors and 12 graph­ic equal­iz­ers built in.
  • Enhanced secu­ri­ty fea­tures keep the sys­tem oper­at­ing flaw­less­ly in any application.