

d&b M4 Mon­i­tor Wedge

Manufacturer: d&b audiotech­nik

Model Number: Z0800.001 — M4

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Audio Monitor Speakers and In Ears

The M4 is a 2-way high per­for­mance stage mon­i­tor employ­ing an inte­grat­ed 15LF and 1.3” exit horn loaded HF coax­i­al dri­ver design that uti­lizes neodymi­um mag­nets. The con­stant direc­tiv­i­ty dis­per­sion of 50° x 70° (h x v), which this unique horn pro­vides, deliv­ers an accu­rate­ly defined cov­er­age area on stage. The M4 can also be oper­at­ed in 2-Way Active mode. When the cab­i­net is used in an upright posi­tion the M4 serves as a pow­er­ful PA loud­speak­er with a 70° x 50° dis­per­sion suit­able for a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions. For ded­i­cat­ed instal­la­tion appli­ca­tions the dis­per­sion char­ac­ter­is­tics of the M4 dri­ver assem­bly can be rotat­ed in 45° incre­ments. The M4 cab­i­net is con­struct­ed from marine ply­wood, which incor­po­rates the han­dles, has an impact resis­tant paint fin­ish, M10 thread­ed inserts and a sock­et to accept loud­speak­er stands. The front of the loud­speak­er cab­i­net is pro­tect­ed by a rigid met­al grill backed with an acousti­cal­ly trans­par­ent foam. Two run­ners recessed in the bot­tom pan­el pro­tect the cab­i­net from scratch­ing and pre­vents movement.